ICANN/WHOIS Verification Agreement Required For All New Domain Purchases And Transfers To Avoid Domain Suspension

It is a ICANN requirement for your Domain (ALL domain purchases and transfers are required this as regulated) to have the WHOIS contact email verified and not for your website or hosting. It is not us that is suspending the domain when verification is not complete and unfortunately we do not have control to override that. 

For more information on the Whois Verification process please refer to this article

As per ICANN 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement, all accredited registrars are required to verify the registered name holder contact information. This policy came into effect as of 1st January 2014. Read more about this policy here.

To avoid your domain from being suspended (or if it has already been suspended due to failed verification) you need to find the email sent to your email address you used when you registered/purchased or transferred your domain with us. This is a required action. Please check your spam/junk folders for this email so you can verify your email address as required. Please complete the registrant verification process as instructed in the emails to keep your domain name active (or un-suspend it if it has already been suspended). If it has been suspended already it will take 25-30 minutes after you have completed the verification process for the domain to come back online.

  • Domain Suspended, ICANN, WHOIS, Contact Email Verification
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